Qucs-GUI  0.0.19
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002                              componentdialog.cpp
00003                              -------------------
00004     begin                : Tue Sep 9 2003
00005     copyright            : (C) 2003, 2004 by Michael Margraf
00006     email                : michael.margraf@alumni.tu-berlin.de
00007  ***************************************************************************/
00009 /***************************************************************************
00010  *                                                                         *
00011  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00012  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00013  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00014  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00015  *                                                                         *
00016  ***************************************************************************/
00018 #include "componentdialog.h"
00019 #include "main.h"
00020 #include "qucs.h"
00021 #include "schematic.h"
00022 #include "misc.h"
00024 #include <cmath>
00026 #include <QLabel>
00027 #include <QLayout>
00028 #include <QValidator>
00029 #include <QTableWidget>
00030 #include <QHeaderView>
00031 #include <QFileDialog>
00032 #include <QLineEdit>
00033 #include <QCheckBox>
00034 #include <QComboBox>
00035 #include <QGroupBox>
00036 #include <QPushButton>
00037 #include <QDebug>
00039 ComponentDialog::ComponentDialog(Component *c, Schematic *d)
00040       : QDialog(d)
00041 {
00042   resize(450, 250);
00043   setWindowTitle(tr("Edit Component Properties"));
00044   Comp  = c;
00045   Doc   = d;
00046   QString s;
00047   setAllVisible = true; // state when toggling properties visibility
00049   all = new QVBoxLayout; // to provide neccessary size
00050   this->setLayout(all);
00051   all->setContentsMargins(1,1,1,1);
00052   QGridLayout *gp1;
00054   ValInteger = new QIntValidator(1, 1000000, this);
00056   Expr.setPattern("[^\"=]*");  // valid expression for property 'edit'
00057   Validator = new QRegExpValidator(Expr, this);
00058   Expr.setPattern("[^\"]*");   // valid expression for property 'edit'
00059   Validator2 = new QRegExpValidator(Expr, this);
00060   Expr.setPattern("[\\w_]+");  // valid expression for property 'NameEdit'
00061   ValRestrict = new QRegExpValidator(Expr, this);
00063   checkSim  = 0;  comboSim  = 0;  comboType  = 0;  checkParam = 0;
00064   editStart = 0;  editStop = 0;  editNumber = 0;
00066   Property *pp = 0; // last property shown elsewhere outside the properties table, not to put in TableView
00067   // ...........................................................
00068   // if simulation component: .TR, .AC, .SW, (.SP ?)
00069   if((Comp->Model[0] == '.') &&
00070      (Comp->Model != ".DC") && (Comp->Model != ".HB") &&
00071      (Comp->Model != ".Digi") && (Comp->Model != ".ETR")) {
00072     QTabWidget *t = new QTabWidget(this);
00073     all->addWidget(t);
00075     QWidget *Tab1 = new QWidget(t);
00076     t->addTab(Tab1, tr("Sweep"));
00077     QGridLayout *gp = new QGridLayout;
00078     Tab1->setLayout(gp);
00080     gp->addWidget(new QLabel(Comp->Description, Tab1), 0,0,1,2);
00082     int row=1;
00083     editParam = new QLineEdit(Tab1);
00084     editParam->setValidator(ValRestrict);
00085     connect(editParam, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotParamEntered()));
00086     checkParam = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"), Tab1);
00088     if(Comp->Model == ".SW") {   // parameter sweep
00089       textSim = new QLabel(tr("Simulation:"), Tab1);
00090       gp->addWidget(textSim, row,0);
00091       comboSim = new QComboBox(Tab1);
00092       comboSim->setEditable(true);
00093       connect(comboSim, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotSimEntered(int)));
00094       gp->addWidget(comboSim, row,1);
00095       checkSim = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"), Tab1);
00096       gp->addWidget(checkSim, row++,2);
00097     }
00098     else {
00099       editParam->setReadOnly(true);
00100       checkParam->setDisabled(true);
00102       if(Comp->Model == ".TR")    // transient simulation ?
00103         editParam->setText("time");
00104       else {
00105         if(Comp->Model == ".AC")    // AC simulation ?
00106           editParam->setText("acfrequency");
00107         else
00108           editParam->setText("frequency");
00109       }
00110     }
00112     gp->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Sweep Parameter:"), Tab1), row,0);
00113     gp->addWidget(editParam, row,1);
00114     gp->addWidget(checkParam, row++,2);
00116     textType = new QLabel(tr("Type:"), Tab1);
00117     gp->addWidget(textType, row,0);
00118     comboType = new QComboBox(Tab1);
00120     QStringList sweeptypes;
00121     sweeptypes << tr("linear") 
00122          << tr("logarithmic") 
00123          << tr("list") 
00124          << tr("constant");
00125     comboType->insertItems(0, sweeptypes);
00127     gp->addWidget(comboType, row,1);
00128     connect(comboType, SIGNAL(activated(int)), SLOT(slotSimTypeChange(int)));
00129     checkType = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"), Tab1);
00130     gp->addWidget(checkType, row++,2);
00132     textValues = new QLabel(tr("Values:"), Tab1);
00133     gp->addWidget(textValues, row,0);
00134     editValues = new QLineEdit(Tab1);
00135     editValues->setValidator(Validator);
00136     connect(editValues, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotValuesEntered()));
00137     gp->addWidget(editValues, row,1);
00138     checkValues = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"), Tab1);
00139     gp->addWidget(checkValues, row++,2);
00141     textStart  = new QLabel(tr("Start:"), Tab1);
00142     gp->addWidget(textStart, row,0);
00143     editStart  = new QLineEdit(Tab1);
00144     editStart->setValidator(Validator);
00145     connect(editStart, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotStartEntered()));
00146     gp->addWidget(editStart, row,1);
00147     checkStart = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"), Tab1);
00148     gp->addWidget(checkStart, row++,2);
00150     textStop   = new QLabel(tr("Stop:"), Tab1);
00151     gp->addWidget(textStop, row,0);
00152     editStop   = new QLineEdit(Tab1);
00153     editStop->setValidator(Validator);
00154     connect(editStop, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotStopEntered()));
00155     gp->addWidget(editStop, row,1);
00156     checkStop = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"), Tab1);
00157     gp->addWidget(checkStop, row++,2);
00159     textStep   = new QLabel(tr("Step:"), Tab1);
00160     gp->addWidget(textStep, row,0);
00161     editStep   = new QLineEdit(Tab1);
00162     editStep->setValidator(Validator);
00163     connect(editStep, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotStepEntered()));
00164     gp->addWidget(editStep, row++,1);
00166     textNumber = new QLabel(tr("Number:"), Tab1);
00167     gp->addWidget(textNumber, row,0);
00168     editNumber = new QLineEdit(Tab1);
00169     editNumber->setValidator(ValInteger);
00170     connect(editNumber, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotNumberEntered()));
00171     gp->addWidget(editNumber, row,1);
00172     checkNumber = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"), Tab1);
00173     gp->addWidget(checkNumber, row++,2);
00176     if(Comp->Model == ".SW") {   // parameter sweep
00177       Component *pc;
00178       for(pc=Doc->Components->first(); pc!=0; pc=Doc->Components->next()) {
00179   // insert all schematic available simulations in the Simulation combo box
00180         if(pc != Comp)
00181           if(pc->Model[0] == '.')
00182             comboSim->insertItem(comboSim->count(), pc->Name);
00183       }
00184       qDebug() << "[]" << Comp->Props.first()->Value;
00185       // set selected simulations in combo box to the currently used one
00186       int i = comboSim->findText(Comp->Props.first()->Value);
00187       if (i != -1) // current simulation is in the available simulations list (normal case)
00188   comboSim->setCurrentIndex(i);
00189       else  // current simulation not in the available simulations list
00190   comboSim->setEditText(Comp->Props.first()->Value);
00192       checkSim->setChecked(Comp->Props.current()->display);
00193       s = Comp->Props.next()->Value;
00194       checkType->setChecked(Comp->Props.current()->display);
00195       editParam->setText(Comp->Props.next()->Value);
00196       checkParam->setChecked(Comp->Props.current()->display);
00197     }
00198     else {
00199       s = Comp->Props.first()->Value;
00200       checkType->setChecked(Comp->Props.current()->display);
00201     }
00202     pp = Comp->Props.next();
00203     editStart->setText(pp->Value);
00204     checkStart->setChecked(pp->display);
00205     pp = Comp->Props.next();
00206     editStop->setText(pp->Value);
00207     checkStop->setChecked(pp->display);
00208     pp = Comp->Props.next();  // remember last property for ListView
00209     editNumber->setText(pp->Value);
00210     checkNumber->setChecked(pp->display);
00212     int tNum = 0;
00213     if(s[0] == 'l') {
00214       if(s[1] == 'i') {
00215   if(s[2] != 'n')
00216     tNum = 2;
00217       }
00218       else  tNum = 1;
00219     }
00220     else  tNum = 3;
00221     comboType->setCurrentIndex(tNum);
00223     slotSimTypeChange(tNum);   // not automatically ?!?
00224     if(tNum > 1) {
00225       editValues->setText(
00226     editNumber->text().mid(1, editNumber->text().length()-2));
00227       checkValues->setChecked(Comp->Props.current()->display);
00228       editNumber->setText("2");
00229     }
00230     slotNumberChanged(0);
00232 /*    connect(editValues, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
00233       SLOT(slotTextChanged(const QString&)));*/
00234     connect(editStart, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
00235       SLOT(slotNumberChanged(const QString&)));
00236     connect(editStop, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
00237       SLOT(slotNumberChanged(const QString&)));
00238     connect(editStep, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
00239       SLOT(slotStepChanged(const QString&)));
00240     connect(editNumber, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
00241       SLOT(slotNumberChanged(const QString&)));
00243 /*    if(checkSim)
00244       connect(checkSim, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSetChanged(int)));
00245     connect(checkType, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSetChanged(int)));
00246     connect(checkParam, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSetChanged(int)));
00247     connect(checkStart, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSetChanged(int)));
00248     connect(checkStop, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSetChanged(int)));
00249     connect(checkNumber, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotSetChanged(int)));*/
00252     QWidget *tabProperties = new QWidget(t);
00253     t->addTab(tabProperties, tr("Properties"));
00254     //gp1 = new QGridLayout(tabProperties, 9,2,5,5);
00255     gp1 = new QGridLayout(tabProperties);
00256   }
00257   else {   // no simulation component
00258     //gp1 = new QGridLayout(0, 9,2,5,5);
00259     gp1 = new QGridLayout();
00260     all->addLayout(gp1);
00261   }
00264   // ...........................................................
00265   gp1->addWidget(new QLabel(Comp->Description), 0,0,1,2);
00267   QHBoxLayout *h5 = new QHBoxLayout;
00268   h5->setSpacing(5);
00270   h5->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Name:")) );
00272   CompNameEdit = new QLineEdit;
00273   h5->addWidget(CompNameEdit);
00275   CompNameEdit->setValidator(ValRestrict);
00276   connect(CompNameEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotButtOK()));
00278   showName = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"));
00279   h5->addWidget(showName);
00281   QWidget *hTop = new QWidget;
00282   hTop->setLayout(h5);
00284   gp1->addWidget(hTop,1,0);
00286   QGroupBox *PropertyBox = new QGroupBox(tr("Properties"));
00287   gp1->addWidget(PropertyBox,2,0);
00289   // H layout inside the GroupBox
00290   QHBoxLayout *hProps = new QHBoxLayout;
00291   PropertyBox->setLayout(hProps);
00293   // left pane
00294   QWidget *vboxPropsL = new QWidget;
00295   QVBoxLayout *vL = new QVBoxLayout;
00296   vboxPropsL->setLayout(vL);
00299   prop = new QTableWidget(0,4); //initialize
00300   vL->addWidget(prop);
00301   prop->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false);
00302   prop->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows);
00303   prop->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection);
00304   prop->setMinimumSize(200, 150);
00305   prop->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true);
00306   // set automatic resize so all content will be visible, 
00307   //  horizontal scrollbar will appear if table becomes too large
00308   prop->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);
00309   prop->horizontalHeader()->setClickable(false); // no action when clicking on the header 
00311   connect(prop->horizontalHeader(),SIGNAL(sectionDoubleClicked(int)),
00312               this, SLOT(slotHHeaderClicked(int)));
00314   QStringList headers;
00315   headers << tr("Name")
00316           << tr("Value")
00317           << tr("display")
00318           << tr("Description");
00319   prop->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(headers);
00321   // right pane
00322   QWidget *vboxPropsR = new QWidget;
00323   QVBoxLayout *v1 = new QVBoxLayout;
00324   vboxPropsR->setLayout(v1);
00326   v1->setSpacing(3);
00328   hProps->addWidget(vboxPropsL, 5); // stretch the left pane (with the table) when resized
00329   hProps->addWidget(vboxPropsR);
00331   Name = new QLabel;
00332   v1->addWidget(Name);
00334   Description = new QLabel;
00335   v1->addWidget(Description);
00337   // hide, because it only replaces 'Description' in some cases
00338   NameEdit = new QLineEdit;
00339   v1->addWidget(NameEdit);
00340   NameEdit->setVisible(false);
00341   NameEdit->setValidator(ValRestrict);
00342   connect(NameEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotApplyPropName()));
00344   edit = new QLineEdit;
00345   v1->addWidget(edit);
00346   edit->setMinimumWidth(150);
00347   edit->setValidator(Validator2);
00348   connect(edit, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), SLOT(slotApplyProperty()));
00350   // hide, because it only replaces 'edit' in some cases
00351   ComboEdit = new QComboBox;
00352   v1->addWidget(ComboEdit);
00353   ComboEdit->setVisible(false);
00354   connect(ComboEdit, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)),
00355     SLOT(slotApplyChange(const QString&)));
00357   QHBoxLayout *h3 = new QHBoxLayout;
00358   v1->addLayout(h3);
00360   EditButt = new QPushButton(tr("Edit"));
00361   h3->addWidget(EditButt);
00362   EditButt->setEnabled(false);
00363   EditButt->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
00364   connect(EditButt, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotEditFile()));
00366   BrowseButt = new QPushButton(tr("Browse"));
00367   h3->addWidget(BrowseButt);
00368   BrowseButt->setEnabled(false);
00369   BrowseButt->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
00370   connect(BrowseButt, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotBrowseFile()));
00372   disp = new QCheckBox(tr("display in schematic"));
00373   v1->addWidget(disp);
00374   connect(disp, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), SLOT(slotApplyState(int)));
00376   // keep group above together
00377   v1->addStretch(5);
00379   QHBoxLayout *h4 = new QHBoxLayout;
00380   v1->addLayout(h4);
00381   h4->setSpacing(5);
00382   ButtAdd = new QPushButton(tr("Add"));
00383   h4->addWidget(ButtAdd);
00384   ButtAdd->setEnabled(false);
00385   ButtRem = new QPushButton(tr("Remove"));
00386   h4->addWidget(ButtRem);
00387   ButtRem->setEnabled(false);
00388   connect(ButtAdd, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotButtAdd()));
00389   connect(ButtRem, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotButtRem()));
00391   // Buttons to move equations up/down on the list
00392   QHBoxLayout *hUpDown = new QHBoxLayout;
00393   v1->addLayout(hUpDown);
00394   ButtUp = new QPushButton(tr("Move Up"));
00395   hUpDown->addWidget(ButtUp);
00396   ButtDown = new QPushButton(tr("Move Down"));
00397   hUpDown->addWidget(ButtDown);
00398   connect(ButtUp,   SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotButtUp()));
00399   connect(ButtDown, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotButtDown()));
00402   // ...........................................................
00403   QHBoxLayout *h2 = new QHBoxLayout;
00404   QWidget * hbox2 = new QWidget;
00405   hbox2->setLayout(h2);
00406   h2->setSpacing(5);
00407   all->addWidget(hbox2);
00408   QPushButton *ok = new QPushButton(tr("OK"));
00409   QPushButton *apply = new QPushButton(tr("Apply"));
00410   QPushButton *cancel = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel"));
00411   h2->addWidget(ok);
00412   h2->addWidget(apply);
00413   h2->addWidget(cancel);
00414   connect(ok,     SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotButtOK()));
00415   connect(apply,  SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotApplyInput()));
00416   connect(cancel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotButtCancel()));
00418   // ------------------------------------------------------------
00419   CompNameEdit->setText(Comp->Name);
00420   showName->setChecked(Comp->showName);
00421   changed = false;
00423   Comp->textSize(tx_Dist, ty_Dist);
00424   int tmp = Comp->tx+tx_Dist - Comp->x1;
00425   if((tmp > 0) || (tmp < -6))  tx_Dist = 0;  // remember the text position
00426   tmp = Comp->ty+ty_Dist - Comp->y1;
00427   if((tmp > 0) || (tmp < -6))  ty_Dist = 0;
00430   int row=0; // row counter
00431   for(Property *p = Comp->Props.at(Comp->Props.find(pp)+1); p != 0; p = Comp->Props.next()) {
00433       // do not insert if already on first tab
00434       // this is the reason it was originally from back to front...
00435       // the 'pp' is the lasted property stepped over while filling the Swep tab
00436   //    if(p == pp)
00437   //      break;
00438       if(p->display)
00439         s = tr("yes");
00440       else
00441         s = tr("no");
00443       // add Props into TableWidget
00444       qDebug() << " Loading Comp->Props :" << p->Name << p->Value << p->display << p->Description ;
00446       prop->setRowCount(prop->rowCount()+1);
00448       QTableWidgetItem *cell;
00449       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(p->Name);
00450       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00451       prop->setItem(row, 0, cell);
00452       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(p->Value);
00453       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00454       prop->setItem(row, 1, cell);
00455       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(s);
00456       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00457       prop->setItem(row, 2, cell);
00458       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(p->Description);
00459       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00460       prop->setItem(row, 3, cell);
00462       row++;
00463     }
00465     if(prop->rowCount() > 0) {
00466         prop->setCurrentItem(prop->item(0,0));
00467         slotSelectProperty(prop->item(0,0));
00468     }
00472   connect(prop, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)),
00473                 SLOT(slotSelectProperty(QTableWidgetItem*)));
00474 }
00476 ComponentDialog::~ComponentDialog()
00477 {
00478   delete all;
00479   delete Validator;
00480   delete Validator2;
00481   delete ValRestrict;
00482   delete ValInteger;
00483 }
00485 // Updates component property list. Useful for MultiViewComponents
00486 void ComponentDialog::updateCompPropsList()
00487 {
00488     int last_prop=0; // last property not to put in ListView
00489         // ...........................................................
00490         // if simulation component: .TR, .AC, .SW, (.SP ?)
00491     if((Comp->Model[0] == '.') &&
00492        (Comp->Model != ".DC") && (Comp->Model != ".HB") &&
00493        (Comp->Model != ".Digi") && (Comp->Model != ".ETR")) {
00494         if(Comp->Model == ".SW") {   // parameter sweep
00495            last_prop = 2;
00496         } else {
00497             last_prop = 0;
00498         }
00499             last_prop += 4;  // remember last property for ListView
00500     }
00502     QString s;
00503     int row=0; // row counter
00504     //for(Property *p = Comp->Props.first(); p != 0; p = Comp->Props.next()) {
00505     for(Property *p = Comp->Props.at(last_prop); p != 0; p = Comp->Props.next()) {
00507       // do not insert if already on first tab
00508       // this is the reason it was originally from back to front...
00509       // the 'pp' is the lasted property stepped over while filling the Swep tab
00510   //    if(p == pp)
00511   //      break;
00512       if(p->display)
00513         s = tr("yes");
00514       else
00515         s = tr("no");
00517       // add Props into TableWidget
00518       qDebug() << " Loading Comp->Props :" << p->Name << p->Value << p->display << p->Description ;
00520       if (row > prop->rowCount()-1) { // Add new rows
00521           prop->setRowCount(prop->rowCount()+1);
00522       }
00524       QTableWidgetItem *cell;
00525       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(p->Name);
00526       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00527       prop->setItem(row, 0, cell);
00528       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(p->Value);
00529       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00530       prop->setItem(row, 1, cell);
00531       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(s);
00532       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00533       prop->setItem(row, 2, cell);
00534       cell = new QTableWidgetItem(p->Description);
00535       cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
00536       prop->setItem(row, 3, cell);
00538       row++;
00539     }
00541     if(prop->rowCount() > 0) {
00542         prop->setCurrentItem(prop->item(0,0));
00543         slotSelectProperty(prop->item(0,0));
00544     }
00546     if (row < prop->rowCount()-1) {
00547         prop->setRowCount(row);
00548     }
00549 }
00551 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00552 // Is called if a property is selected.
00553 // Handle the Property editor tab.
00554 // It transfers the values to the right side for editing.
00555 void ComponentDialog::slotSelectProperty(QTableWidgetItem *item)
00556 {
00557   if(item == 0) return;
00558   item->setSelected(true);  // if called from elsewhere, this was not yet done
00560   qDebug() << "row " << item->row(); //<< item->text()
00562   QString name  = prop->item(item->row(),0)->text();
00563   QString value = prop->item(item->row(),1)->text();
00564   QString show  = prop->item(item->row(),2)->text();
00565   QString desc  = prop->item(item->row(),3)->text();
00567   if(show == tr("yes"))
00568     disp->setChecked(true);
00569   else
00570     disp->setChecked(false);
00572   if(name == "File") {
00573     EditButt->setEnabled(true);
00574     BrowseButt->setEnabled(true);
00575   }
00576   else {
00577     EditButt->setEnabled(false);
00578     BrowseButt->setEnabled(false);
00579   }
00583   if(desc.isEmpty()) {
00584     // show two line edit fields (name and value)
00585     ButtAdd->setEnabled(true);
00586     ButtRem->setEnabled(true);
00588     if (Comp->Description == "equation") {
00589       ButtUp->setEnabled(true);
00590       ButtDown->setEnabled(true);
00591     }
00592     else {
00593       ButtUp->setEnabled(false);
00594       ButtDown->setEnabled(false);
00595     }
00596     Name->setText("");
00597     NameEdit->setText(name);
00598     edit->setText(value);
00600     edit->setVisible(true);
00601     NameEdit->setVisible(true);
00602     Description->setVisible(false);
00603     ComboEdit->setVisible(false);
00605     NameEdit->setFocus();   // edit QLineEdit
00606   }
00607   else {  // show standard line edit (description and value)
00608     ButtAdd->setEnabled(false);
00609     ButtRem->setEnabled(false);
00610     ButtUp->setEnabled(false);
00611     ButtDown->setEnabled(false);
00613     Name->setText(name);
00614     edit->setText(value);
00616     NameEdit->setVisible(false);
00617     NameEdit->setText(name); // perhaps used for adding properties
00618     Description->setVisible(true);
00620     // handle special combobox items
00621     QStringList List;
00622     int b = desc.indexOf('[');
00623     int e = desc.lastIndexOf(']');
00624     if (e-b > 2) {
00625       QString str = desc.mid(b+1, e-b-1);
00626       str.replace( QRegExp("[^a-zA-Z0-9_,]"), "" );
00627       List = str.split(',');
00628       qDebug() << "List = " << List;
00629     }
00631     // use the screen-compatible metric
00632     QFontMetrics metrics(QucsSettings.font, 0);   // get size of text
00633     qDebug() << "desc = " << desc << metrics.width(desc);
00634     while(metrics.width(desc) > 270) {  // if description too long, cut it nicely
00635       // so 270 above will be the maximum size of the name label and associated edit line widget 
00636       if (desc.lastIndexOf(' ') != -1)
00637         desc = desc.left(desc.lastIndexOf(' ')) + "....";
00638       else
00639         desc = desc.left(desc.length()-5) + "....";
00640     }
00641     Description->setText(desc);
00643     if(List.count() >= 1) {    // ComboBox with value list or line edit ?
00644       ComboEdit->clear();
00645       ComboEdit->insertItems(0,List);
00647       for(int i=ComboEdit->count()-1; i>=0; i--)
00648        if(value == ComboEdit->itemText(i)) {
00649          ComboEdit->setCurrentIndex(i);
00650    break;
00651        }
00652       edit->setVisible(false);
00653       ComboEdit->setVisible(true);
00654     }
00655     else {
00656       edit->setVisible(true);
00657       ComboEdit->setVisible(false);
00658     }
00659     edit->setFocus();   // edit QLineEdit
00660   }
00661 }
00663 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00664 void ComponentDialog::slotApplyChange(const QString& Text)
00665 {
00667   // pick selected row
00668   QList<QTableWidgetItem *> items = prop->selectedItems();
00669   Q_ASSERT(!items.isEmpty());
00670   QTableWidgetItem *item = items.first();
00672   int row = item->row();
00674   edit->setText(Text);
00675   // apply edit line
00676   prop->item(row, 1)->setText(Text);
00678   ComboEdit->setFocus();
00680   // step to next item if not at the last line
00681   if ( row < (prop->rowCount() - 1)) {
00682     prop->setCurrentItem(prop->item(row+1,0));
00683     slotSelectProperty(prop->item(row+1,0));
00684   }
00685 }
00692 void ComponentDialog::slotApplyProperty()
00693 {
00694   // pick selected row
00695   QTableWidgetItem *item = prop->selectedItems()[0];
00697   int row = item->row();
00699   QString name  = prop->item(row, 0)->text();
00700   QString value = prop->item(row, 1)->text();
00702   if(!item)
00703     return;
00705   if (!ComboEdit->isHidden())   // take text from ComboBox ?
00706     edit->setText(ComboEdit->currentText());
00708   // apply edit line
00709   if(value != edit->text()) {
00710        prop->item(row, 1)->setText(edit->text());
00711     }
00713   if (!NameEdit->isHidden())  // also apply property name ?
00714     if (name != NameEdit->text()) {
00715 //      if(NameEdit->text() == "Export")
00716 //        item->setText(0, "Export_");   // name must not be "Export" !!!
00717 //      else
00718 //      item->setText(0, NameEdit->text());  // apply property name
00719       prop->item(row, 0)->setText(edit->text());
00720     }
00722   // step to next item
00723   if ( row < prop->rowCount()) {
00724     prop->setCurrentItem(prop->item(row+1,0));
00725     slotSelectProperty(prop->item(row+1,0));
00726   }
00727   else {
00728     slotButtOK();   // close dialog, if it was the last property
00729     return;
00730   }
00731 }
00733 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00734 // Is called if the "RETURN"-button is pressed in the "NameEdit" Widget.
00735 void ComponentDialog::slotApplyPropName()
00736 {
00737   // pick selected row
00738   QTableWidgetItem *item = prop->selectedItems()[0];
00739   int row = item->row();
00741   QString name  = prop->item(row, 0)->text();
00743   if(name != NameEdit->text()) {
00744 //    if(NameEdit->text() == "Export") {
00745 //  item->setText(0, "Export_");   // name must not be "Export" !!!
00746 //  NameEdit->setText("Export_");
00747 //    }
00748 //      else
00749     prop->item(row, 0)->setText(NameEdit->text());
00750   }
00751   edit->setFocus();   // cursor into "edit" widget
00752 }
00754 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00755 // Is called if the checkbox is pressed (changed).
00756 void ComponentDialog::slotApplyState(int State)
00757 {
00758   // pick selected row
00759   QTableWidgetItem *item = prop->selectedItems()[0];
00760   int row = item->row();
00762   QString disp  = prop->item(row, 2)->text();
00764   if(item == 0) return;
00766   QString ButtonState;
00767   if(State)
00768     ButtonState = tr("yes");
00769   else
00770     ButtonState = tr("no");
00772   if(disp != ButtonState) {
00773     prop->item(row, 2)->setText(ButtonState);
00774   }
00775 }
00777 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00778 // Is called if the "OK"-button is pressed.
00779 void ComponentDialog::slotButtOK()
00780 {
00781   slotApplyInput();
00782   slotButtCancel();
00783 }
00785 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00786 // Is called if the "Cancel"-button is pressed.
00787 void ComponentDialog::slotButtCancel()
00788 {
00789   if(changed) done(1);  // changed could have been done before
00790   else done(0);   // (by "Apply"-button)
00791 }
00793 //-----------------------------------------------------------------
00794 // To get really all close events (even <Escape> key).
00795 void ComponentDialog::reject()
00796 {
00797   slotButtCancel();
00798 }
00800 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00801 // Is called, if the "Apply"-button is pressed.
00802 void ComponentDialog::slotApplyInput()
00803 {
00804   qDebug() << " \n == Apply ";
00805   if(Comp->showName != showName->isChecked()) {
00806     Comp->showName = showName->isChecked();
00807     changed = true;
00808   }
00810   QString tmp;
00811   Component *pc;
00812   if(CompNameEdit->text().isEmpty())  CompNameEdit->setText(Comp->Name);
00813   else
00814   if(CompNameEdit->text() != Comp->Name) {
00815     for(pc = Doc->Components->first(); pc!=0; pc = Doc->Components->next())
00816       if(pc->Name == CompNameEdit->text())
00817         break;  // found component with the same name ?
00818     if(pc)  CompNameEdit->setText(Comp->Name);
00819     else {
00820       Comp->Name = CompNameEdit->text();
00821       changed = true;
00822     }
00823   }
00830   bool display;
00831   Property *pp = Comp->Props.first();
00832   // apply all the new property values
00834   if(comboSim) {
00835     display = checkSim->isChecked();
00836     if(pp->display != display) {
00837       pp->display = display;
00838       changed = true;
00839     }
00840     if(pp->Value != comboSim->currentText()) {
00841       pp->Value = comboSim->currentText();
00842       changed = true;
00843     }
00844     pp = Comp->Props.next();
00845   }
00846   if(comboType) {
00847     display = checkType->isChecked();
00848     if(pp->display != display) {
00849       pp->display = display;
00850       changed = true;
00851     }
00852     switch(comboType->currentIndex()) {
00853       case 1:  tmp = "log";   break;
00854       case 2:  tmp = "list";  break;
00855       case 3:  tmp = "const"; break;
00856       default: tmp = "lin";   break;
00857     }
00858     if(pp->Value != tmp) {
00859       pp->Value = tmp;
00860       changed = true;
00861     }
00862     pp = Comp->Props.next();
00863   }
00864   if(checkParam) if(checkParam->isEnabled()) {
00865     display = checkParam->isChecked();
00866     if(pp->display != display) {
00867       pp->display = display;
00868       changed = true;
00869     }
00870     if(pp->Value != editParam->text()) {
00871       pp->Value = editParam->text();
00872       changed = true;
00873     }
00874     pp = Comp->Props.next();
00875   }
00876   if(editStart) {
00877     if(comboType->currentIndex() < 2) {
00878       display = checkStart->isChecked();
00879       if(pp->display != display) {
00880         pp->display = display;
00881         changed = true;
00882       }
00883       pp->Name  = "Start";
00884       if(pp->Value != editStart->text()) {
00885         pp->Value = editStart->text();
00886         changed = true;
00887       }
00888       pp = Comp->Props.next();
00890       display = checkStop->isChecked();
00891       if(pp->display != display) {
00892         pp->display = display;
00893         changed = true;
00894       }
00895       pp->Name  = "Stop";
00896       if(pp->Value != editStop->text()) {
00897         pp->Value = editStop->text();
00898         changed = true;
00899       }
00900       pp = Comp->Props.next();
00902       display = checkNumber->isChecked();
00903       if(pp->display != display) {
00904         pp->display = display;
00905         changed = true;
00906       }
00907       if((pp->Value != editNumber->text()) || (pp->Name != "Points")) {
00908         pp->Value = editNumber->text();
00909         pp->Name  = "Points";
00910         changed = true;
00911       }
00912       qDebug() << "====> before ad"
00913                << pp->Description;
00915       pp = Comp->Props.next();
00916     }
00917     else {
00918       // If a value list is used, the properties "Start" and "Stop" are not
00919       // used. -> Call them "Symbol" to omit them in the netlist.
00920       pp->Name = "Symbol";
00921       pp->display = false;
00922       pp = Comp->Props.next();
00923       pp->Name = "Symbol";
00924       pp->display = false;
00925       pp = Comp->Props.next();
00927       display = checkValues->isChecked();
00928       if(pp->display != display) {
00929         pp->display = display;
00930         changed = true;
00931       }
00932       tmp = "["+editValues->text()+"]";
00933       if((pp->Value != tmp) || (pp->Name != "Values")) {
00934         pp->Value = tmp;
00935         pp->Name  = "Values";
00936         changed = true;
00937       }
00938       qDebug() << "====> before ad"
00939                << pp;
00941       pp = Comp->Props.next();
00942     }
00943   }
00946   // pick selected row
00947   QTableWidgetItem *item = 0;
00949   //  make sure we have one item, take selected
00950   if (prop->selectedItems().size()) {
00951     item = prop->selectedItems()[0];
00952   }
00956    if(item != 0) {
00957      int row = item->row();
00958      QString name  = prop->item(row, 0)->text();
00959      QString value = prop->item(row, 1)->text();
00961      // apply edit line
00962      if(value != edit->text())
00963        prop->item(row, 1)->setText(edit->text());
00965      // apply property name
00966      if (!NameEdit->isHidden())
00967        if (name != NameEdit->text())
00968          prop->item(row, 0)->setText(NameEdit->text());
00970      // apply all the new property values in the ListView
00971      for( int row = 0; row < prop->rowCount(); row++ ) {
00973        QString name  = prop->item(row, 0)->text();
00974        QString value = prop->item(row, 1)->text();
00975        QString disp = prop->item(row, 2)->text();
00976        QString desc = prop->item(row, 3)->text();
00978        qDebug() << "====>" <<name << value
00979                 << Comp->Props.count()
00980                 << prop->rowCount() +1
00981                 << pp;
00983        display = (disp == tr("yes"));
00984        if( pp ) {
00986          if(pp->display != display) {
00987              pp->display = display;
00988              changed = true;
00989          }
00990          if(pp->Value != value) {
00991             pp->Value = value;
00992             changed = true;
00993          }
00994          if(pp->Name != name) {
00995            pp->Name = name;   // override if previous one was removed
00996            changed = true;
00997          }
00998          pp->Description = desc;
00999          }
01000        else {
01001          // if properties where added in the dialog
01002          // -> create new on the Comp
01003          Q_ASSERT(prop->rowCount() >= 0);
01004          if ( (int) Comp->Props.count() < prop->rowCount() +1) {
01005              qDebug() << "adding to Comp ";
01006              Comp->Props.append(new Property(name, value, display, desc));
01007              changed = true;
01008          }
01009     }
01010     pp = Comp->Props.next();
01011   }
01013   // original Comp still has properties? (removed some in the dialog?)
01014   // if more properties than in ListView -> delete the rest
01015   if(pp) {
01016     pp = Comp->Props.prev();
01017     Comp->Props.last();
01018     while(pp != Comp->Props.current())
01019       Comp->Props.remove();
01020     changed = true;
01021   }
01023  } // end if (item !=0)
01025   if(changed) {
01026     int dx, dy;
01027     Comp->textSize(dx, dy);
01028     if(tx_Dist != 0) {
01029       Comp->tx += tx_Dist-dx;
01030       tx_Dist = dx;
01031     }
01032     if(ty_Dist != 0) {
01033       Comp->ty += ty_Dist-dy;
01034       ty_Dist = dy;
01035     }
01037     Doc->recreateComponent(Comp);
01038     Doc->viewport()->repaint();
01039     if ( (int) Comp->Props.count() != prop->rowCount()) { // If props count was changed after recreation
01040       Q_ASSERT(prop->rowCount() >= 0);
01041       updateCompPropsList(); // of component we need to update properties
01042     }
01043   }
01045 }
01047 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01048 void ComponentDialog::slotBrowseFile()
01049 {
01050   // current file name from the component properties
01051   QString currFileName = prop->item(prop->currentRow(), 1)->text();
01052   QFileInfo currFileInfo(currFileName);
01053   // name of the schematic where component is instantiated (may be empty)
01054   QFileInfo schematicFileInfo = Comp->getSchematic()->getFileInfo();
01055   QString schematicFileName = schematicFileInfo.fileName();
01056   // directory to use for the file open dialog
01057   QString currDir;
01059   if (!currFileName.isEmpty()) { // a file name is already defined
01060     if (currFileInfo.isRelative()) { // but has no absolute path
01061       if (!schematicFileName.isEmpty()) { // if schematic has a filename
01062   // build the an absolute file name using the schematic path
01063   currDir = schematicFileInfo.absolutePath() + 
01064             QDir::separator() +
01065                   currFileInfo.fileName();
01066       } else { // no absolute paths around
01067   // use the WorkDir path
01068   currDir = QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.path() + 
01069             QDir::separator() +
01070     currFileInfo.fileName();
01071       }
01072     } else { // current file name is absolute
01073       // use it
01074       currDir = currFileName;
01075     }
01076   } else { // a file name is not defined
01077     if (!schematicFileName.isEmpty()) { // if schematic has a filename
01078       // use the schematic absolute path
01079       currDir = schematicFileInfo.absolutePath();
01080     } else { // no absolute paths around
01081       // use the WorkDir path
01082       currDir = QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.path();
01083     }
01084   }
01086   QString s = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (
01087           this,
01088           tr("Select a file"),
01089           currDir,
01090           tr("All Files")+" (*.*);;"
01091             + tr("Touchstone files") + " (*.s?p);;"
01092             + tr("CSV files") + " (*.csv);;"
01093             + tr("SPICE files") + " (*.cir *.spi);;"
01094             + tr("VHDL files") + " (*.vhdl *.vhd);;"
01095             + tr("Verilog files")+" (*.v)"  );
01097   if(!s.isEmpty()) {
01098     // snip path if file in current directory
01099     QFileInfo file(s);
01100     if(QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.exists(file.fileName()) &&
01101        QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.absolutePath() == file.absolutePath()) s = file.fileName();
01102     edit->setText(s);
01103   }
01104   /* FIX
01105   prop->currentItem()->setText(1, s); */
01106 }
01108 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01109 void ComponentDialog::slotEditFile()
01110 {
01111   Doc->App->editFile(QucsSettings.QucsWorkDir.filePath(edit->text()));
01112 }
01135 void ComponentDialog::slotButtAdd()
01136 {
01137   // Set existing equation into focus, return
01138   for(int row=0; row < prop->rowCount(); row++) {
01139     QString name  = prop->item(row, 0)->text();
01140     if( name == NameEdit->text()) {
01141       prop->setCurrentItem(prop->item(row,0));
01142       slotSelectProperty(prop->item(row,0));
01143       return;
01144     }
01145   }
01147   // toggle display flag
01148   QString s = tr("no");
01149   if(disp->isChecked())
01150     s = tr("yes");
01152   // get number for selected row
01153   int curRow = prop->currentRow();
01155   // insert new row under current
01156   int insRow = curRow+1;
01157   prop->insertRow(insRow);
01159   // append new row
01160   QTableWidgetItem *cell;
01161   cell = new QTableWidgetItem(NameEdit->text());
01162   cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
01163   prop->setItem(insRow, 0, cell);
01164   cell = new QTableWidgetItem(edit->text());
01165   cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
01166   prop->setItem(insRow, 1, cell);
01167   cell = new QTableWidgetItem(s);
01168   cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
01169   prop->setItem(insRow, 2, cell);
01170   // no description? add empty cell
01171   cell = new QTableWidgetItem("");
01172   cell->setFlags(cell->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsEditable);
01173   prop->setItem(insRow, 3, cell);
01175   // select new row
01176   prop->selectRow(insRow);
01177 }
01185 void ComponentDialog::slotButtRem()
01186 {
01187   if(prop->rowCount() < 3)
01188     return;  // the last property cannot be removed
01190   QTableWidgetItem *item = prop->selectedItems()[0];
01191   int row = item->row();
01193   if(item == 0)
01194     return;
01196   // peek next, delete current, set next current
01197   if ( row < prop->rowCount()) {
01198     prop->setCurrentItem(prop->item(row+1,0));
01199     slotSelectProperty(prop->item(row+1,0));
01200     prop->removeRow(row);
01201     }
01202 }
01208 void ComponentDialog::slotButtUp()
01209 {
01210   qDebug() << "slotButtUp" << prop->currentRow() << prop->rowCount();
01212   int curRow = prop->currentRow();
01213   if (curRow == 0)
01214     return;
01216   // swap current and row above it
01217   QTableWidgetItem *source = prop->takeItem(curRow  ,0);
01218   QTableWidgetItem *target = prop->takeItem(curRow-1,0);
01219   prop->setItem(curRow-1, 0, source);
01220   prop->setItem(curRow, 0, target);
01221   source = prop->takeItem(curRow  ,1);
01222   target = prop->takeItem(curRow-1,1);
01223   prop->setItem(curRow-1, 1, source);
01224   prop->setItem(curRow, 1, target);
01227   // select moved row
01228   prop->selectRow(curRow-1);
01229 }
01235 void ComponentDialog::slotButtDown()
01236 {
01237   qDebug() << "slotButtDown" << prop->currentRow() << prop->rowCount();
01239   int curRow = prop->currentRow();
01240   // Leave Export as last
01241   if (curRow == prop->rowCount()-2)
01242     return;
01244   // swap current and row below it
01245   QTableWidgetItem *source = prop->takeItem(curRow,0);
01246   QTableWidgetItem *target = prop->takeItem(curRow+1,0);
01247   prop->setItem(curRow+1, 0, source);
01248   prop->setItem(curRow, 0, target);
01249   source = prop->takeItem(curRow,1);
01250   target = prop->takeItem(curRow+1,1);
01251   prop->setItem(curRow+1, 1, source);
01252   prop->setItem(curRow, 1, target);
01254   // select moved row
01255   prop->selectRow(curRow+1);
01256 }
01258 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01259 void ComponentDialog::slotSimTypeChange(int Type)
01260 {
01261   if(Type < 2) {  // new type is "linear" or "logarithmic"
01262     if(!editNumber->isEnabled()) {  // was the other mode before ?
01263       // this text change, did not emit the textChange signal !??!
01264       editStart->setText(
01265   editValues->text().section(';', 0, 0).trimmed());
01266       editStop->setText(
01267   editValues->text().section(';', -1, -1).trimmed());
01268       editNumber->setText("2");
01269       slotNumberChanged(0);
01271       checkStart->setChecked(true);
01272       checkStop->setChecked(true);
01273     }
01274     textValues->setDisabled(true);
01275     editValues->setDisabled(true);
01276     checkValues->setDisabled(true);
01277     textStart->setDisabled(false);
01278     editStart->setDisabled(false);
01279     checkStart->setDisabled(false);
01280     textStop->setDisabled(false);
01281     editStop->setDisabled(false);
01282     checkStop->setDisabled(false);
01283     textStep->setDisabled(false);
01284     editStep->setDisabled(false);
01285     textNumber->setDisabled(false);
01286     editNumber->setDisabled(false);
01287     checkNumber->setDisabled(false);
01288     if(Type == 1)   // logarithmic ?
01289       textStep->setText(tr("Points per decade:"));
01290     else
01291       textStep->setText(tr("Step:"));
01292   }
01293   else {  // new type is "list" or "constant"
01294     if(!editValues->isEnabled()) {   // was the other mode before ?
01295       editValues->setText(editStart->text() + "; " + editStop->text());
01296       checkValues->setChecked(true);
01297     }
01299     textValues->setDisabled(false);
01300     editValues->setDisabled(false);
01301     checkValues->setDisabled(false);
01302     textStart->setDisabled(true);
01303     editStart->setDisabled(true);
01304     checkStart->setDisabled(true);
01305     textStop->setDisabled(true);
01306     editStop->setDisabled(true);
01307     checkStop->setDisabled(true);
01308     textStep->setDisabled(true);
01309     editStep->setDisabled(true);
01310     textNumber->setDisabled(true);
01311     editNumber->setDisabled(true);
01312     checkNumber->setDisabled(true);
01313     textStep->setText(tr("Step:"));
01314   }
01315 }
01317 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01318 // Is called when "Start", "Stop" or "Number" is edited.
01319 void ComponentDialog::slotNumberChanged(const QString&)
01320 {
01321   QString Unit, tmp;
01322   double x, y, Factor;
01323   if(comboType->currentIndex() == 1) {   // logarithmic ?
01324     misc::str2num(editStop->text(), x, Unit, Factor);
01325     x *= Factor;
01326     misc::str2num(editStart->text(), y, Unit, Factor);
01327     y *= Factor;
01328     if(y == 0.0)  y = x / 10.0;
01329     if(x == 0.0)  x = y * 10.0;
01330     if(y == 0.0) { y = 1.0;  x = 10.0; }
01331     x = editNumber->text().toDouble() / log10(fabs(x / y));
01332     Unit = QString::number(x);
01333   }
01334   else {
01335     misc::str2num(editStop->text(), x, Unit, Factor);
01336     x *= Factor;
01337     misc::str2num(editStart->text(), y, Unit, Factor);
01338     y *= Factor;
01339     x = (x - y) / (editNumber->text().toDouble() - 1.0);
01341     QString step = misc::num2str(x);
01343     misc::str2num(step, x, Unit, Factor);
01344     if(Factor == 1.0)
01345         Unit = "";
01347     Unit = QString::number(x) + " " + Unit;
01348   }
01350   editStep->blockSignals(true);  // do not calculate step again
01351   editStep->setText(Unit);
01352   editStep->blockSignals(false);
01353 }
01355 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01356 void ComponentDialog::slotStepChanged(const QString& Step)
01357 {
01358   QString Unit;
01359   double x, y, Factor;
01360   if(comboType->currentIndex() == 1) {   // logarithmic ?
01361     misc::str2num(editStop->text(), x, Unit, Factor);
01362     x *= Factor;
01363     misc::str2num(editStart->text(), y, Unit, Factor);
01364     y *= Factor;
01366     x /= y;
01367     misc::str2num(Step, y, Unit, Factor);
01368     y *= Factor;
01370     x = log10(fabs(x)) * y;
01371   }
01372   else {
01373     misc::str2num(editStop->text(), x, Unit, Factor);
01374     x *= Factor;
01375     misc::str2num(editStart->text(), y, Unit, Factor);
01376     y *= Factor;
01378     x -= y;
01379     misc::str2num(Step, y, Unit, Factor);
01380     y *= Factor;
01382     x /= y;
01383   }
01385   editNumber->blockSignals(true);  // do not calculate number again
01386   editNumber->setText(QString::number(floor(x + 1.0)));
01387   editNumber->blockSignals(false);
01388 }
01390 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01391 // Is called if return is pressed in LineEdit "Parameter".
01392 void ComponentDialog::slotParamEntered()
01393 {
01394   if(editValues->isEnabled())
01395     editValues->setFocus();
01396   else
01397     editStart->setFocus();
01398 }
01400 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01401 // Is called if return is pressed in LineEdit "Simulation".
01402 void ComponentDialog::slotSimEntered(int)
01403 {
01404   editParam->setFocus();
01405 }
01407 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01408 // Is called if return is pressed in LineEdit "Values".
01409 void ComponentDialog::slotValuesEntered()
01410 {
01411   slotButtOK();
01412 }
01414 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01415 // Is called if return is pressed in LineEdit "Start".
01416 void ComponentDialog::slotStartEntered()
01417 {
01418   editStop->setFocus();
01419 }
01421 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01422 // Is called if return is pressed in LineEdit "Stop".
01423 void ComponentDialog::slotStopEntered()
01424 {
01425   editStep->setFocus();
01426 }
01428 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01429 // Is called if return is pressed in LineEdit "Step".
01430 void ComponentDialog::slotStepEntered()
01431 {
01432   editNumber->setFocus();
01433 }
01435 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
01436 // Is called if return is pressed in LineEdit "Number".
01437 void ComponentDialog::slotNumberEntered()
01438 {
01439   slotButtOK();
01440 }
01442 // if clicked on 'display' header toggle visibility for all items
01443 void ComponentDialog::slotHHeaderClicked(int headerIdx)
01444 {
01445   if (headerIdx != 2) return; // clicked on header other than 'display'
01447   QString s;
01448   QTableWidgetItem *cell;
01450   if (setAllVisible)
01451     s = tr("yes");
01452   else
01453     s = tr("no");
01455   // go through all the properties table and set the visibility cell
01456   for (int row = 0; row < prop->rowCount(); row++) {
01457     cell = prop->item(row, 2);
01458     cell->setText(s);
01459   }
01460   setAllVisible = not setAllVisible; // toggle visibility for the next double-click
01461 }
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