Qucs-GUI  0.0.19
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * hicumL2V2p31n.cpp - device implementations for hicumL2V2p31n module
00003  *
00004  * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00005  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00006  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00007  * any later version.
00008  * 
00009  */
00011 #include "hicumL2V2p31n.h"
00013 hicumL2V2p31n::hicumL2V2p31n()
00014 {
00015   Description = QObject::tr ("hicumL2V2p31n verilog device");
00017   Props.append (new Property ("c10", "2.0E-30", false,
00018     QObject::tr ("GICCR constant")
00019     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A^2s")+")"));
00020   Props.append (new Property ("qp0", "2.0E-14", false,
00021     QObject::tr ("Zero-bias hole charge")
00022     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Coul")+")"));
00023   Props.append (new Property ("ich", "0.0", false,
00024     QObject::tr ("High-current correction for 2D and 3D effects")
00025     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00026   Props.append (new Property ("hf0", "1.0", false,
00027     QObject::tr ("Weight factor for the low current minority charge")));
00028   Props.append (new Property ("hfe", "1.0", false,
00029     QObject::tr ("Emitter minority charge weighting factor in HBTs")));
00030   Props.append (new Property ("hfc", "1.0", false,
00031     QObject::tr ("Collector minority charge weighting factor in HBTs")));
00032   Props.append (new Property ("hjei", "1.0", false,
00033     QObject::tr ("B-E depletion charge weighting factor in HBTs")));
00034   Props.append (new Property ("ahjei", "0.0", false,
00035     QObject::tr ("Parameter describing the slope of hjEi(VBE)")));
00036   Props.append (new Property ("rhjei", "1.0", false,
00037     QObject::tr ("Smoothing parameter for hjEi(VBE) at high voltage")));
00038   Props.append (new Property ("hjci", "1.0", false,
00039     QObject::tr ("B-C depletion charge weighting factor in HBTs")));
00040   Props.append (new Property ("ibeis", "1.0E-18", false,
00041     QObject::tr ("Internal B-E saturation current")
00042     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00043   Props.append (new Property ("mbei", "1.0", false,
00044     QObject::tr ("Internal B-E current ideality factor")));
00045   Props.append (new Property ("ireis", "0.0", false,
00046     QObject::tr ("Internal B-E recombination saturation current")
00047     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00048   Props.append (new Property ("mrei", "2.0", false,
00049     QObject::tr ("Internal B-E recombination current ideality factor")));
00050   Props.append (new Property ("ibeps", "0.0", false,
00051     QObject::tr ("Peripheral B-E saturation current")
00052     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00053   Props.append (new Property ("mbep", "1.0", false,
00054     QObject::tr ("Peripheral B-E current ideality factor")));
00055   Props.append (new Property ("ireps", "0.0", false,
00056     QObject::tr ("Peripheral B-E recombination saturation current")
00057     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00058   Props.append (new Property ("mrep", "2.0", false,
00059     QObject::tr ("Peripheral B-E recombination current ideality factor")));
00060   Props.append (new Property ("mcf", "1.0", false,
00061     QObject::tr ("Non-ideality factor for III-V HBTs")));
00062   Props.append (new Property ("tbhrec", "0.0", false,
00063     QObject::tr ("Base current recombination time constant at B-C barrier for high forward injection")
00064     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00065   Props.append (new Property ("ibcis", "1.0E-16", false,
00066     QObject::tr ("Internal B-C saturation current")
00067     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00068   Props.append (new Property ("mbci", "1.0", false,
00069     QObject::tr ("Internal B-C current ideality factor")));
00070   Props.append (new Property ("ibcxs", "0.0", false,
00071     QObject::tr ("External B-C saturation current")
00072     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00073   Props.append (new Property ("mbcx", "1.0", false,
00074     QObject::tr ("External B-C current ideality factor")));
00075   Props.append (new Property ("ibets", "0.0", false,
00076     QObject::tr ("B-E tunneling saturation current")
00077     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00078   Props.append (new Property ("abet", "40", false,
00079     QObject::tr ("Exponent factor for tunneling current")));
00080   Props.append (new Property ("tunode", "1", false,
00081     QObject::tr ("Specifies the base node connection for the tunneling current")));
00082   Props.append (new Property ("favl", "0.0", false,
00083     QObject::tr ("Avalanche current factor")
00084     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/V")+")"));
00085   Props.append (new Property ("qavl", "0.0", false,
00086     QObject::tr ("Exponent factor for avalanche current")
00087     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Coul")+")"));
00088   Props.append (new Property ("alfav", "0.0", false,
00089     QObject::tr ("Relative TC for FAVL")
00090     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/K")+")"));
00091   Props.append (new Property ("alqav", "0.0", false,
00092     QObject::tr ("Relative TC for QAVL")
00093     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/K")+")"));
00094   Props.append (new Property ("rbi0", "0.0", false,
00095     QObject::tr ("Zero bias internal base resistance")
00096     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Ohm")+")"));
00097   Props.append (new Property ("rbx", "0.0", false,
00098     QObject::tr ("External base series resistance")
00099     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Ohm")+")"));
00100   Props.append (new Property ("fgeo", "0.6557", false,
00101     QObject::tr ("Factor for geometry dependence of emitter current crowding")));
00102   Props.append (new Property ("fdqr0", "0.0", false,
00103     QObject::tr ("Correction factor for modulation by B-E and B-C space charge layer")));
00104   Props.append (new Property ("fcrbi", "0.0", false,
00105     QObject::tr ("Ratio of HF shunt to total internal capacitance (lateral NQS effect)")));
00106   Props.append (new Property ("fqi", "1.0", false,
00107     QObject::tr ("Ration of internal to total minority charge")));
00108   Props.append (new Property ("re", "0.0", false,
00109     QObject::tr ("Emitter series resistance")
00110     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Ohm")+")"));
00111   Props.append (new Property ("rcx", "0.0", false,
00112     QObject::tr ("External collector series resistance")
00113     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Ohm")+")"));
00114   Props.append (new Property ("itss", "0.0", false,
00115     QObject::tr ("Substrate transistor transfer saturation current")
00116     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00117   Props.append (new Property ("msf", "1.0", false,
00118     QObject::tr ("Forward ideality factor of substrate transfer current")));
00119   Props.append (new Property ("iscs", "0.0", false,
00120     QObject::tr ("C-S diode saturation current")
00121     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00122   Props.append (new Property ("msc", "1.0", false,
00123     QObject::tr ("Ideality factor of C-S diode current")));
00124   Props.append (new Property ("tsf", "0.0", false,
00125     QObject::tr ("Transit time for forward operation of substrate transistor")
00126     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00127   Props.append (new Property ("rsu", "0.0", false,
00128     QObject::tr ("Substrate series resistance")
00129     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Ohm")+")"));
00130   Props.append (new Property ("csu", "0.0", false,
00131     QObject::tr ("Substrate shunt capacitance")
00132     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00133   Props.append (new Property ("cjei0", "1.0E-20", false,
00134     QObject::tr ("Internal B-E zero-bias depletion capacitance")
00135     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00136   Props.append (new Property ("vdei", "0.9", false,
00137     QObject::tr ("Internal B-E built-in potential")
00138     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00139   Props.append (new Property ("zei", "0.5", false,
00140     QObject::tr ("Internal B-E grading coefficient")));
00141   Props.append (new Property ("ajei", "2.5", false,
00142     QObject::tr ("Ratio of maximum to zero-bias value of internal B-E capacitance")));
00143   Props.append (new Property ("cjep0", "1.0E-20", false,
00144     QObject::tr ("Peripheral B-E zero-bias depletion capacitance")
00145     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00146   Props.append (new Property ("vdep", "0.9", false,
00147     QObject::tr ("Peripheral B-E built-in potential")
00148     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00149   Props.append (new Property ("zep", "0.5", false,
00150     QObject::tr ("Peripheral B-E grading coefficient")));
00151   Props.append (new Property ("ajep", "2.5", false,
00152     QObject::tr ("Ratio of maximum to zero-bias value of peripheral B-E capacitance")));
00153   Props.append (new Property ("cjci0", "1.0E-20", false,
00154     QObject::tr ("Internal B-C zero-bias depletion capacitance")
00155     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00156   Props.append (new Property ("vdci", "0.7", false,
00157     QObject::tr ("Internal B-C built-in potential")
00158     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00159   Props.append (new Property ("zci", "0.4", false,
00160     QObject::tr ("Internal B-C grading coefficient")));
00161   Props.append (new Property ("vptci", "100", false,
00162     QObject::tr ("Internal B-C punch-through voltage")
00163     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00164   Props.append (new Property ("cjcx0", "1.0E-20", false,
00165     QObject::tr ("External B-C zero-bias depletion capacitance")
00166     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00167   Props.append (new Property ("vdcx", "0.7", false,
00168     QObject::tr ("External B-C built-in potential")
00169     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00170   Props.append (new Property ("zcx", "0.4", false,
00171     QObject::tr ("External B-C grading coefficient")));
00172   Props.append (new Property ("vptcx", "100", false,
00173     QObject::tr ("External B-C punch-through voltage")
00174     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00175   Props.append (new Property ("fbcpar", "0.0", false,
00176     QObject::tr ("Partitioning factor of parasitic B-C cap")));
00177   Props.append (new Property ("fbepar", "1.0", false,
00178     QObject::tr ("Partitioning factor of parasitic B-E cap")));
00179   Props.append (new Property ("cjs0", "0.0", false,
00180     QObject::tr ("C-S zero-bias depletion capacitance")
00181     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00182   Props.append (new Property ("vds", "0.6", false,
00183     QObject::tr ("C-S built-in potential")
00184     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00185   Props.append (new Property ("zs", "0.5", false,
00186     QObject::tr ("C-S grading coefficient")));
00187   Props.append (new Property ("vpts", "100", false,
00188     QObject::tr ("C-S punch-through voltage")
00189     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00190   Props.append (new Property ("t0", "0.0", false,
00191     QObject::tr ("Low current forward transit time at VBC=0V")
00192     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00193   Props.append (new Property ("dt0h", "0.0", false,
00194     QObject::tr ("Time constant for base and B-C space charge layer width modulation")
00195     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00196   Props.append (new Property ("tbvl", "0.0", false,
00197     QObject::tr ("Time constant for modeling carrier jam at low VCE")
00198     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00199   Props.append (new Property ("tef0", "0.0", false,
00200     QObject::tr ("Neutral emitter storage time")
00201     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00202   Props.append (new Property ("gtfe", "1.0", false,
00203     QObject::tr ("Exponent factor for current dependence of neutral emitter storage time")));
00204   Props.append (new Property ("thcs", "0.0", false,
00205     QObject::tr ("Saturation time constant at high current densities")
00206     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00207   Props.append (new Property ("ahc", "0.1", false,
00208     QObject::tr ("Smoothing factor for current dependence of base and collector transit time")));
00209   Props.append (new Property ("fthc", "0.0", false,
00210     QObject::tr ("Partitioning factor for base and collector portion")));
00211   Props.append (new Property ("rci0", "150", false,
00212     QObject::tr ("Internal collector resistance at low electric field")
00213     +" ("+QObject::tr ("Ohm")+")"));
00214   Props.append (new Property ("vlim", "0.5", false,
00215     QObject::tr ("Voltage separating ohmic and saturation velocity regime")
00216     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00217   Props.append (new Property ("vces", "0.1", false,
00218     QObject::tr ("Internal C-E saturation voltage")
00219     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00220   Props.append (new Property ("vpt", "100.0", false,
00221     QObject::tr ("Collector punch-through voltage")
00222     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00223   Props.append (new Property ("tr", "0.0", false,
00224     QObject::tr ("Storage time for inverse operation")
00225     +" ("+QObject::tr ("s")+")"));
00226   Props.append (new Property ("vcbar", "0.0", false,
00227     QObject::tr ("Barrier voltage")
00228     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00229   Props.append (new Property ("icbar", "0.0", false,
00230     QObject::tr ("Normalization parameter")
00231     +" ("+QObject::tr ("A")+")"));
00232   Props.append (new Property ("acbar", "0.01", false,
00233     QObject::tr ("Smoothing parameter for barrier voltage")));
00234   Props.append (new Property ("delck", "2.0", false,
00235     QObject::tr ("fitting factor for critical current")));
00236   Props.append (new Property ("cbepar", "0.0", false,
00237     QObject::tr ("Total parasitic B-E capacitance")
00238     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00239   Props.append (new Property ("cbcpar", "0.0", false,
00240     QObject::tr ("Total parasitic B-C capacitance")
00241     +" ("+QObject::tr ("F")+")"));
00242   Props.append (new Property ("alqf", "0.167", false,
00243     QObject::tr ("Factor for additional delay time of minority charge")));
00244   Props.append (new Property ("alit", "0.333", false,
00245     QObject::tr ("Factor for additional delay time of transfer current")));
00246   Props.append (new Property ("flnqs", "0", false,
00247     QObject::tr ("Flag for turning on and off of vertical NQS effect")));
00248   Props.append (new Property ("kf", "0.0", false,
00249     QObject::tr ("Flicker noise coefficient")));
00250   Props.append (new Property ("af", "2.0", false,
00251     QObject::tr ("Flicker noise exponent factor")));
00252   Props.append (new Property ("cfbe", "-1", false,
00253     QObject::tr ("Flag for determining where to tag the flicker noise source")));
00254   Props.append (new Property ("flcono", "0", false,
00255     QObject::tr ("Flag for turning on and off of correlated noise implementation")));
00256   Props.append (new Property ("kfre", "0.0", false,
00257     QObject::tr ("Emitter resistance flicker noise coefficient")));
00258   Props.append (new Property ("afre", "2.0", false,
00259     QObject::tr ("Emitter resistance flicker noise exponent factor")));
00260   Props.append (new Property ("latb", "0.0", false,
00261     QObject::tr ("Scaling factor for collector minority charge in direction of emitter width")));
00262   Props.append (new Property ("latl", "0.0", false,
00263     QObject::tr ("Scaling factor for collector minority charge in direction of emitter length")));
00264   Props.append (new Property ("vgb", "1.17", false,
00265     QObject::tr ("Bandgap voltage extrapolated to 0 K")
00266     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00267   Props.append (new Property ("alt0", "0.0", false,
00268     QObject::tr ("First order relative TC of parameter T0")
00269     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/K")+")"));
00270   Props.append (new Property ("kt0", "0.0", false,
00271     QObject::tr ("Second order relative TC of parameter T0")));
00272   Props.append (new Property ("zetaci", "0.0", false,
00273     QObject::tr ("Temperature exponent for RCI0")));
00274   Props.append (new Property ("alvs", "0.0", false,
00275     QObject::tr ("Relative TC of saturation drift velocity")
00276     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/K")+")"));
00277   Props.append (new Property ("alces", "0.0", false,
00278     QObject::tr ("Relative TC of VCES")
00279     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/K")+")"));
00280   Props.append (new Property ("zetarbi", "0.0", false,
00281     QObject::tr ("Temperature exponent of internal base resistance")));
00282   Props.append (new Property ("zetarbx", "0.0", false,
00283     QObject::tr ("Temperature exponent of external base resistance")));
00284   Props.append (new Property ("zetarcx", "0.0", false,
00285     QObject::tr ("Temperature exponent of external collector resistance")));
00286   Props.append (new Property ("zetare", "0.0", false,
00287     QObject::tr ("Temperature exponent of emitter resistance")));
00288   Props.append (new Property ("zetacx", "1.0", false,
00289     QObject::tr ("Temperature exponent of mobility in substrate transistor transit time")));
00290   Props.append (new Property ("vge", "1.17", false,
00291     QObject::tr ("Effective emitter bandgap voltage")
00292     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00293   Props.append (new Property ("vgc", "1.17", false,
00294     QObject::tr ("Effective collector bandgap voltage")
00295     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00296   Props.append (new Property ("vgs", "1.17", false,
00297     QObject::tr ("Effective substrate bandgap voltage")
00298     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00299   Props.append (new Property ("f1vg", "-1.02377e-4", false,
00300     QObject::tr ("Coefficient K1 in T-dependent band-gap equation")));
00301   Props.append (new Property ("f2vg", "4.3215e-4", false,
00302     QObject::tr ("Coefficient K2 in T-dependent band-gap equation")));
00303   Props.append (new Property ("zetact", "3.0", false,
00304     QObject::tr ("Exponent coefficient in transfer current temperature dependence")));
00305   Props.append (new Property ("zetabet", "3.5", false,
00306     QObject::tr ("Exponent coefficient in B-E junction current temperature dependence")));
00307   Props.append (new Property ("alb", "0.0", false,
00308     QObject::tr ("Relative TC of forward current gain for V2.1 model")
00309     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/K")+")"));
00310   Props.append (new Property ("dvgbe", "0", false,
00311     QObject::tr ("Bandgap difference between B and B-E junction used for hjEi0 and hf0")
00312     +" ("+QObject::tr ("V")+")"));
00313   Props.append (new Property ("zetahjei", "1", false,
00314     QObject::tr ("Temperature coefficient for ahjEi")));
00315   Props.append (new Property ("zetavgbe", "1", false,
00316     QObject::tr ("Temperature coefficient for hjEi0")));
00317   Props.append (new Property ("flsh", "0", false,
00318     QObject::tr ("Flag for turning on and off self-heating effect")));
00319   Props.append (new Property ("rth", "0.0", false,
00320     QObject::tr ("Thermal resistance")
00321     +" ("+QObject::tr ("K/W")+")"));
00322   Props.append (new Property ("zetarth", "0.0", false,
00323     QObject::tr ("Temperature coefficient for Rth")));
00324   Props.append (new Property ("alrth", "0.0", false,
00325     QObject::tr ("First order relative TC of parameter Rth")
00326     +" ("+QObject::tr ("1/K")+")"));
00327   Props.append (new Property ("cth", "0.0", false,
00328     QObject::tr ("Thermal capacitance")
00329     +" ("+QObject::tr ("J/W")+")"));
00330   Props.append (new Property ("flcomp", "0.0", false,
00331     QObject::tr ("Flag for compatibility with v2.1 model (0=v2.1)")));
00332   Props.append (new Property ("tnom", "27.0", false,
00333     QObject::tr ("Temperature at which parameters are specified")
00334     +" ("+QObject::tr ("C")+")"));
00335   Props.append (new Property ("dt", "0.0", false,
00336     QObject::tr ("Temperature change w.r.t. chip temperature for particular transistor")
00337     +" ("+QObject::tr ("K")+")"));
00338   Props.append (new Property ("Temp", "27.0", false,
00339     QObject::tr ("simulation temperature")));
00341   createSymbol ();
00342   tx = x2 + 4;
00343   ty = y1 + 4;
00344   Model = "hicumL2V2p31n";
00345   Name  = "T";
00346 }
00348 Component * hicumL2V2p31n::newOne()
00349 {
00350   hicumL2V2p31n * p = new hicumL2V2p31n();
00351   p->Props.getFirst()->Value = Props.getFirst()->Value; 
00352   p->recreate(0); 
00353   return p;
00354 }
00356 Element * hicumL2V2p31n::info(QString& Name, char * &BitmapFile, bool getNewOne)
00357 {
00358   Name = QObject::tr("HICUM L2 V2.31");
00359   BitmapFile = (char *) "hicumL2V2p31n";
00361   if(getNewOne) return new hicumL2V2p31n();
00362   return 0;
00363 }
00365 void hicumL2V2p31n::createSymbol() 
00366 {
00367   // normal bipolar
00368   Lines.append(new Line(-10,-15,-10, 15,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,3)));
00369   Lines.append(new Line(-30,  0,-10,  0,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00370   Lines.append(new Line(-10, -5,  0,-15,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00371   Lines.append(new Line(  0,-15,  0,-30,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00372   Lines.append(new Line(-10,  5,  0, 15,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00373   Lines.append(new Line(  0, 15,  0, 30,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00375   // substrate node
00376   Lines.append(new Line(  9,  0, 30,  0,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00377   Lines.append(new Line(  9, -7,  9,  7,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,3)));
00379   // thermal node
00380   Lines.append(new Line(-30, 20,-20, 20,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00381   Lines.append(new Line(-20, 17,-20, 23,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));  
00383   // arrow
00384   Lines.append(new Line( -6, 15,  0, 15,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00385   Lines.append(new Line(  0,  9,  0, 15,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,2)));
00387   // H
00388   Lines.append(new Line(-30,-30,-30,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00389   Lines.append(new Line(-30,-27,-26,-27,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00390   Lines.append(new Line(-26,-30,-26,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00391   // I
00392   Lines.append(new Line(-24,-30,-24,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00393   // C
00394   Lines.append(new Line(-22,-30,-22,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00395   Lines.append(new Line(-22,-30,-19,-30,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00396   Lines.append(new Line(-22,-24,-19,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00397   // U
00398   Lines.append(new Line(-17,-30,-17,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00399   Lines.append(new Line(-14,-30,-14,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00400   Lines.append(new Line(-17,-24,-14,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00401   // M
00402   Lines.append(new Line(-12,-30,-12,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00403   Lines.append(new Line( -8,-30, -8,-24,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00404   Lines.append(new Line(-12,-30,-10,-28,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00405   Lines.append(new Line( -8,-30,-10,-28,QPen(Qt::darkBlue,1)));
00407   // terminal definitions
00408   Ports.append(new Port(  0,-30)); // collector
00409   Ports.append(new Port(-30,  0)); // base
00410   Ports.append(new Port(  0, 30)); // emitter
00411   Ports.append(new Port( 30,  0)); // substrate
00412   Ports.append(new Port(-30, 20)); // thermal node
00414   // relative boundings
00415   x1 = -30; y1 = -30;
00416   x2 =  30; y2 =  30;
00417 }
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