Documentation provided by third parties
The following list contains hypertext links to documents provided by people not directly involved in the development of Qucs. The authors of Qucs do not feel responsible for the documents' content.
- French student practical work about the design of microstrip filters by Thomas Lepoix, 2017 -- Qucs - Design of microstrip filters
- Online tutorial by Ozgur Cobanoglu -- Qucs Tutorial - DC Parameter Sweep
- Quite Universal Circuit Simulator White Paper by Brian Clearwaters, 2006 -- White Paper
- Turkish online tutorial by Mustafa Baser -- Qucs for beginner physicists
- Japanese online introduction -- Introduction to Qucs
- Wikipedia entry for Qucs -- Qucs - Wikipedia
- Publication by Mustafa Baser, 2006 -- Promoting Conceptual Change with Free Open Source Software through Active Learning
- Publication by Mustafa Baser -- Effects of Conceptual Change and Traditional Confirmatory Simulations on Pre-Service Teachersí Understanding of Direct Current Circuits
- Publication by Mike Brinson -- GNU Simulators Supporting Verilog-A Compact Model Standardization
- Russian tutorial about Qucs by Vladimir Gololobov -- Qucs and FlowCode