Qucs-core  0.0.19
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * trsolver.cpp - transient solver class implementation
00003  *
00004  * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Stefan Jahn <stefan@lkcc.org>
00005  *
00006  * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
00007  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00008  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
00009  * any later version.
00010  *
00011  * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00012  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00014  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00015  *
00016  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00017  * along with this package; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
00018  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
00019  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
00020  *
00021  * $Id$
00022  *
00023  */
00025 #if HAVE_CONFIG_H
00026 # include <config.h>
00027 #endif
00029 #include <stdio.h>
00030 #include <string.h>
00031 #include <float.h>
00032 #include <algorithm>
00034 #include "compat.h"
00035 #include "object.h"
00036 #include "logging.h"
00037 #include "complex.h"
00038 #include "circuit.h"
00039 #include "sweep.h"
00040 #include "net.h"
00041 #include "netdefs.h"
00042 #include "analysis.h"
00043 #include "nasolver.h"
00044 #include "history.h"
00045 #include "trsolver.h"
00046 #include "transient.h"
00047 #include "exception.h"
00048 #include "exceptionstack.h"
00050 #define STEPDEBUG   0 // set to zero for release
00051 #define BREAKPOINTS 0 // exact breakpoint calculation
00053 #define dState 0 // delta T state
00054 #define sState 1 // solution state
00056 // Macro for the n-th state of the solution vector history.
00057 #define SOL(state) (solution[(int) getState (sState, (state))])
00059 namespace qucs {
00061 using namespace transient;
00063 // Constructor creates an unnamed instance of the trsolver class.
00064 trsolver::trsolver ()
00065     : nasolver<nr_double_t> (), states<nr_double_t> ()
00066 {
00067     swp = NULL;
00068     type = ANALYSIS_TRANSIENT;
00069     setDescription ("transient");
00070     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) solution[i] = NULL;
00071     tHistory = NULL;
00072     relaxTSR = false;
00073     initialDC = true;
00074 }
00076 // Constructor creates a named instance of the trsolver class.
00077 trsolver::trsolver (const std::string &n)
00078     : nasolver<nr_double_t> (n), states<nr_double_t> ()
00079 {
00080     swp = NULL;
00081     type = ANALYSIS_TRANSIENT;
00082     setDescription ("transient");
00083     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) solution[i] = NULL;
00084     tHistory = NULL;
00085     relaxTSR = false;
00086     initialDC = true;
00087 }
00089 // Destructor deletes the trsolver class object.
00090 trsolver::~trsolver ()
00091 {
00092     delete swp;
00093     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
00094     {
00095         if (solution[i] != NULL)
00096         {
00097             delete solution[i];
00098         }
00099     }
00100     delete tHistory;
00101 }
00103 /* The copy constructor creates a new instance of the trsolver class
00104    based on the given trsolver object. */
00105 trsolver::trsolver (trsolver & o)
00106     : nasolver<nr_double_t> (o), states<nr_double_t> (o)
00107 {
00108     swp = o.swp ? new sweep (*o.swp) : NULL;
00109     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) solution[i] = NULL;
00110     tHistory = o.tHistory ? new history (*o.tHistory) : NULL;
00111     relaxTSR = o.relaxTSR;
00112     initialDC = o.initialDC;
00113 }
00115 // This function creates the time sweep if necessary.
00116 void trsolver::initSteps (void)
00117 {
00118     delete swp;
00119     swp = createSweep ("time");
00120 }
00122 // Performs the initial DC analysis.
00123 int trsolver::dcAnalysis (void)
00124 {
00125     int error = 0;
00127     // First calculate a initial state using the non-linear DC analysis.
00128     setDescription ("initial DC");
00129     initDC ();
00130     setCalculation ((calculate_func_t) &calcDC);
00131     solve_pre ();
00132     applyNodeset ();
00134     // Run the DC solver once.
00135     try_running ()
00136     {
00137         error = solve_nonlinear ();
00138     }
00139     // Appropriate exception handling.
00140     catch_exception ()
00141     {
00143         pop_exception ();
00144         convHelper = CONV_LineSearch;
00145         logprint (LOG_ERROR, "WARNING: %s: %s analysis failed, using line search "
00146                   "fallback\n", getName (), getDescription ().c_str());
00147         applyNodeset ();
00148         restart ();
00149         error = solve_nonlinear ();
00150         break;
00151     default:
00152         // Otherwise return.
00153         estack.print ();
00154         error++;
00155         break;
00156     }
00158     // Save the DC solution.
00159     storeSolution ();
00161     // Cleanup nodal analysis solver.
00162     solve_post ();
00164     // Really failed to find initial DC solution?
00165     if (error)
00166     {
00167         logprint (LOG_ERROR, "ERROR: %s: %s analysis failed\n",
00168                   getName (), getDescription ().c_str());
00169     }
00170     return error;
00171 }
00173 /* This is the transient netlist solver.  It prepares the circuit list
00174    for each requested time and solves it then. */
00175 int trsolver::solve (void)
00176 {
00177     nr_double_t time, saveCurrent;
00178     int error = 0, convError = 0;
00179     const char * const solver = getPropertyString ("Solver");
00180     relaxTSR = !strcmp (getPropertyString ("relaxTSR"), "yes") ? true : false;
00181     initialDC = !strcmp (getPropertyString ("initialDC"), "yes") ? true : false;
00183     runs++;
00184     saveCurrent = current = 0;
00185     stepDelta = -1;
00186     converged = 0;
00187     fixpoint = 0;
00188     statRejected = statSteps = statIterations = statConvergence = 0;
00190     // Choose a solver.
00191     if (!strcmp (solver, "CroutLU"))
00192         eqnAlgo = ALGO_LU_DECOMPOSITION;
00193     else if (!strcmp (solver, "DoolittleLU"))
00195     else if (!strcmp (solver, "HouseholderQR"))
00196         eqnAlgo = ALGO_QR_DECOMPOSITION;
00197     else if (!strcmp (solver, "HouseholderLQ"))
00198         eqnAlgo = ALGO_QR_DECOMPOSITION_LS;
00199     else if (!strcmp (solver, "GolubSVD"))
00200         eqnAlgo = ALGO_SV_DECOMPOSITION;
00202     // Perform initial DC analysis.
00203     if (initialDC)
00204     {
00205         error = dcAnalysis ();
00206         if (error)
00207             return -1;
00208     }
00210     // Initialize transient analysis.
00211     setDescription ("transient");
00212     initTR ();
00213     setCalculation ((calculate_func_t) &calcTR);
00214     solve_pre ();
00216     // Create time sweep if necessary.
00217     initSteps ();
00218     swp->reset ();
00220     // Recall the DC solution.
00221     recallSolution ();
00223     // Apply the nodesets and adjust previous solutions.
00224     applyNodeset (false);
00225     fillSolution (x);
00227     // Tell integrators to be initialized.
00228     setMode (MODE_INIT);
00230     int running = 0;
00231     rejected = 0;
00232     delta /= 10;
00233     fillState (dState, delta);
00234     adjustOrder (1);
00236     // Start to sweep through time.
00237     for (int i = 0; i < swp->getSize (); i++)
00238     {
00239         time = swp->next ();
00240         if (progress) logprogressbar (i, swp->getSize (), 40);
00242 #if DEBUG && 0
00243         logprint (LOG_STATUS, "NOTIFY: %s: solving netlist for t = %e\n",
00244                   getName (), (double) time);
00245 #endif
00247         do // while (saveCurrent < time), i.e. until a requested breakpoint is hit
00248         {
00249 #if STEPDEBUG
00250             if (delta == deltaMin)
00251             {
00252                 // the integrator step size has become smaller than the
00253                 // specified allowed minimum, Qucs is unable to solve the circuit
00254                 // while meeting the tolerance conditions
00255                 logprint (LOG_ERROR,
00256                           "WARNING: %s: minimum delta h = %.3e at t = %.3e\n",
00257                           getName (), (double) delta, (double) current);
00258             }
00259 #endif
00260             // updates the integrator coefficients, and updates the array of prev
00261             // 8 deltas with the new delta for this step
00262             updateCoefficients (delta);
00264             // Run predictor to get a start value for the solution vector for
00265             // the successive iterative corrector process
00266             error += predictor ();
00268             // restart Newton iteration
00269             if (rejected)
00270             {
00271                 restart ();      // restart non-linear devices
00272                 rejected = 0;
00273             }
00275             // Run corrector process with appropriate exception handling.
00276             // The corrector iterates through the solutions of the integration
00277             // process until a certain error tolerance has been reached.
00278             try_running () // #defined as:    do {
00279             {
00280                 error += corrector ();
00281             }
00282             catch_exception () // #defined as:   } while (0); if (estack.top ()) switch (estack.top()->getCode ())
00283             {
00284             case EXCEPTION_NO_CONVERGENCE:
00285                 pop_exception ();
00287                 // step back from the current time value to the previous time
00288                 if (current > 0) current -= delta;
00289                 // Reduce step-size (by half) if failed to converge.
00290                 delta /= 2;
00291                 if (delta <= deltaMin)
00292                 {
00293                     // but do not reduce the step size below a specified minimum
00294                     delta = deltaMin;
00295                     // instead reduce the order of the integration
00296                     adjustOrder (1);
00297                 }
00298                 // step forward to the new current time value
00299                 if (current > 0) current += delta;
00301                 // Update statistics.
00302                 statRejected++;
00303                 statConvergence++;
00304                 rejected++; // mark the previous step size choice as rejected
00305                 converged = 0;
00306                 error = 0;
00308                 // Start using damped Newton-Raphson.
00309                 convHelper = CONV_SteepestDescent;
00310                 convError = 2;
00311 #if DEBUG
00312                 logprint (LOG_ERROR, "WARNING: delta rejected at t = %.3e, h = %.3e "
00313                           "(no convergence)\n", (double) saveCurrent, (double) delta);
00314 #endif
00315                 break;
00316             default:
00317                 // Otherwise return.
00318                 estack.print ();
00319                 error++;
00320                 break;
00321             }
00322             // return if any errors occured other than convergence failure
00323             if (error) return -1;
00325             // if the step was rejected, the solution loop is restarted here
00326             if (rejected) continue;
00328             // check whether Jacobian matrix is still non-singular
00329             if (!A->isFinite ())
00330             {
00331                 logprint (LOG_ERROR, "ERROR: %s: Jacobian singular at t = %.3e, "
00332                           "aborting %s analysis\n", getName (), (double) current,
00333                           getDescription ().c_str());
00334                 return -1;
00335             }
00337             // Update statistics and no more damped Newton-Raphson.
00338             statIterations += iterations;
00339             if (--convError < 0) convHelper = 0;
00341             // Now advance in time or not...
00342             if (running > 1)
00343             {
00344                 adjustDelta (time);
00345                 adjustOrder ();
00346             }
00347             else
00348             {
00349                 fillStates ();
00350                 nextStates ();
00351                 rejected = 0;
00352             }
00354             saveCurrent = current;
00355             current += delta;
00356             running++;
00357             converged++;
00359             // Tell integrators to be running.
00360             setMode (MODE_NONE);
00362             // Initialize or update history.
00363             if (running > 1)
00364             {
00365                 updateHistory (saveCurrent);
00366             }
00367             else
00368             {
00369                 initHistory (saveCurrent);
00370             }
00371         }
00372         while (saveCurrent < time); // Hit a requested time point?
00374         // Save results.
00375 #if STEPDEBUG
00376         logprint (LOG_STATUS, "DEBUG: save point at t = %.3e, h = %.3e\n",
00377                   (double) saveCurrent, (double) delta);
00378 #endif
00381         saveAllResults (saveCurrent);
00382 #else
00383         saveAllResults (time);
00384 #endif
00385     } // for (int i = 0; i < swp->getSize (); i++)
00387     solve_post ();
00388     if (progress) logprogressclear (40);
00389     logprint (LOG_STATUS, "NOTIFY: %s: average time-step %g, %d rejections\n",
00390               getName (), (double) (saveCurrent / statSteps), statRejected);
00391     logprint (LOG_STATUS, "NOTIFY: %s: average NR-iterations %g, "
00392               "%d non-convergences\n", getName (),
00393               (double) statIterations / statSteps, statConvergence);
00395     // cleanup
00396     deinitTR ();
00397     return 0;
00398 }
00400 // The function initializes the history.
00401 void trsolver::initHistory (nr_double_t t)
00402 {
00403     // initialize time vector
00404     tHistory = new history ();
00405     tHistory->push_back(t);
00406     tHistory->self ();
00407     // initialize circuit histories
00408     nr_double_t age = 0.0;
00409     circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00410     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00411     {
00412         if (c->hasHistory ())
00413         {
00414             c->applyHistory (tHistory);
00415             saveHistory (c);
00416             if (c->getHistoryAge () > age)
00417             {
00418                 age = c->getHistoryAge ();
00419             }
00420         }
00421     }
00422     // set maximum required age for all circuits
00423     tHistory->setAge (age);
00424 }
00426 /* The following function updates the histories for the circuits which
00427    requested them. */
00428 void trsolver::updateHistory (nr_double_t t)
00429 {
00430     if (t > tHistory->last ())
00431     {
00432         // update time vector
00433         tHistory->push_back (t);
00434         // update circuit histories
00435         circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00436         for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00437         {
00438             if (c->hasHistory ()) saveHistory (c);
00439         }
00440         tHistory->drop ();
00441     }
00442 }
00444 // Stores node voltages and branch currents in the given circuits history.
00445 void trsolver::saveHistory (circuit * c)
00446 {
00448     int N = countNodes ();
00449     int r, i, s = c->getSize ();
00451     for (i = 0; i < s; i++)
00452     {
00453         // save node voltages
00454         r = findAssignedNode (c, i);
00455         if (r < 0)
00456             // the node was not found, append a zero to the history
00457             // matching this index
00458             c->appendHistory (i, 0.0);
00459         else
00460             // the node was found, append the voltage value to
00461             // that node's history
00462             c->appendHistory (i, x->get (r));
00463     }
00465     for (i = 0; i < c->getVoltageSources (); i++)
00466     {
00467         // save branch currents
00468         r = c->getVoltageSource () + i;
00469         c->appendHistory (i + s, x->get (r + N));
00470     }
00472 }
00474 /* This function predicts a start value for the solution vector for
00475    the successive iterative corrector process. */
00476 int trsolver::predictor (void)
00477 {
00478     int error = 0;
00479     switch (predType)
00480     {
00481     case INTEGRATOR_GEAR: // explicit GEAR
00482         predictGear ();
00483         break;
00485         predictBashford ();
00486         break;
00488         predictEuler ();
00489         break;
00490     default:
00491         *x = *SOL (1);  // This is too a simple predictor...
00492         break;
00493     }
00494     saveSolution ();
00495     *SOL (0) = *x;
00496     return error;
00497 }
00499 // Stores the given vector into all the solution vectors.
00500 void trsolver::fillSolution (tvector<nr_double_t> * s)
00501 {
00502     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) *SOL (i) = *s;
00503 }
00505 /* The function predicts the successive solution vector using the
00506    explicit Adams-Bashford integration formula. */
00507 void trsolver::predictBashford (void)
00508 {
00509     int N = countNodes ();
00510     int M = countVoltageSources ();
00511     nr_double_t xn, dd, hn;
00513     // go through each solution
00514     for (int r = 0; r < N + M; r++)
00515     {
00516         xn = predCoeff[0] * SOL(1)->get (r); // a0 coefficient
00517         for (int o = 1; o <= predOrder; o++)
00518         {
00519             hn = getState (dState, o);         // previous time-step
00520             // divided differences
00521             dd = (SOL(o)->get (r) - SOL(o + 1)->get (r)) / hn;
00522             xn += predCoeff[o] * dd;           // b0, b1, ... coefficients
00523         }
00524         x->set (r, xn);                      // save prediction
00525     }
00526 }
00528 /* The function predicts the successive solution vector using the
00529    explicit forward Euler integration formula.  Actually this is
00530    Adams-Bashford order 1. */
00531 void trsolver::predictEuler (void)
00532 {
00533     int N = countNodes ();
00534     int M = countVoltageSources ();
00535     nr_double_t xn, dd, hn;
00537     for (int r = 0; r < N + M; r++)
00538     {
00539         xn = predCoeff[0] * SOL(1)->get (r);
00540         hn = getState (dState, 1);
00541         dd = (SOL(1)->get (r) - SOL(2)->get (r)) / hn;
00542         xn += predCoeff[1] * dd;
00543         x->set (r, xn);
00544     }
00545 }
00547 /* The function predicts the successive solution vector using the
00548    explicit Gear integration formula. */
00549 void trsolver::predictGear (void)
00550 {
00551     int N = countNodes ();
00552     int M = countVoltageSources ();
00553     nr_double_t xn;
00555     // go through each solution
00556     for (int r = 0; r < N + M; r++)
00557     {
00558         xn = 0;
00559         for (int o = 0; o <= predOrder; o++)
00560         {
00561             // a0, a1, ... coefficients
00562             xn += predCoeff[o] * SOL(o + 1)->get (r);
00563         }
00564         x->set (r, xn); // save prediction
00565     }
00566 }
00568 /* The function iterates through the solutions of the integration
00569    process until a certain error tolerance has been reached. */
00570 int trsolver::corrector (void)
00571 {
00572     int error = 0;
00573     error += solve_nonlinear ();
00574     return error;
00575 }
00577 // The function advances one more time-step.
00578 void trsolver::nextStates (void)
00579 {
00580     circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00581     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00582     {
00583         // for each circuit get the next state
00584         c->nextState ();
00585     }
00587     *SOL (0) = *x; // save current solution
00588     nextState ();
00589     statSteps++;
00590 }
00592 /* This function stores the current state of each circuit into all
00593    other states as well.  It is useful for higher order integration
00594    methods in order to initialize the states after the initial
00595    transient solution. */
00596 void trsolver::fillStates (void)
00597 {
00598     circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00599     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00600     {
00601         for (int s = 0; s < c->getStates (); s++)
00602             c->fillState (s, c->getState (s));
00603     }
00604 }
00606 // The function modifies the circuit lists integrator mode.
00607 void trsolver::setMode (int state)
00608 {
00609     circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00610     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00611         c->setMode (state);
00612 }
00614 // The function passes the time delta array to the circuit list.
00615 void trsolver::setDelta (void)
00616 {
00617     circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00618     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00619         c->setDelta (deltas);
00620 }
00622 /* This function tries to adapt the current time-step according to the
00623    global truncation error. */
00624 void trsolver::adjustDelta (nr_double_t t)
00625 {
00626     deltaOld = delta;
00627     delta = checkDelta ();
00628     if (delta > deltaMax) delta = deltaMax;
00629     if (delta < deltaMin) delta = deltaMin;
00631     // delta correction in order to hit exact breakpoint
00632     int good = 0;
00633     if (!relaxTSR)   // relaxed step raster?
00634     {
00635         if (!statConvergence || converged > 64)   /* Is this a good guess? */
00636         {
00637             // check next breakpoint
00638             if (stepDelta > 0.0)
00639             {
00640                 // restore last valid delta
00641                 delta = stepDelta;
00642                 stepDelta = -1.0;
00643             }
00644             else
00645             {
00646                 if (delta > (t - current) && t > current)
00647                 {
00648                     // save last valid delta and set exact step
00649                     stepDelta = deltaOld;
00650                     delta = t - current;
00651                     good = 1;
00652                 }
00653                 else
00654                 {
00655                     stepDelta = -1.0;
00656                 }
00657             }
00658             if (delta > deltaMax) delta = deltaMax;
00659             if (delta < deltaMin) delta = deltaMin;
00660         }
00661     }
00663     // usual delta correction
00664     if (delta > 0.9 * deltaOld || good)   // accept current delta
00665     {
00666         nextStates ();
00667         rejected = 0;
00668 #if STEPDEBUG
00669         logprint (LOG_STATUS,
00670                   "DEBUG: delta accepted at t = %.3e, h = %.3e\n",
00671                   (double) current, (double) delta);
00672 #endif
00673     }
00674     else if (deltaOld > delta)   // reject current delta
00675     {
00676         rejected++;
00677         statRejected++;
00678 #if STEPDEBUG
00679         logprint (LOG_STATUS,
00680                   "DEBUG: delta rejected at t = %.3e, h = %.3e\n",
00681                   (double) current, (double) delta);
00682 #endif
00683         if (current > 0) current -= deltaOld;
00684     }
00685     else
00686     {
00687         nextStates ();
00688         rejected = 0;
00689     }
00690 }
00692 /* The function can be used to increase the current order of the
00693    integration method or to reduce it. */
00694 void trsolver::adjustOrder (int reduce)
00695 {
00696     if ((corrOrder < corrMaxOrder && !rejected) || reduce)
00697     {
00698         if (reduce)
00699         {
00700             corrOrder = 1;
00701         }
00702         else if (!rejected)
00703         {
00704             corrOrder++;
00705         }
00707         // adjust type and order of corrector and predictor
00708         corrType = correctorType (CMethod, corrOrder);
00709         predType = predictorType (corrType, corrOrder, predOrder);
00711         // apply new corrector method and order to each circuit
00712         circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00713         for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00714         {
00715             c->setOrder (corrOrder);
00716             setIntegrationMethod (c, corrType);
00717         }
00718     }
00719 }
00721 /* Goes through the list of circuit objects and runs its calcDC()
00722    function. */
00723 void trsolver::calcDC (trsolver * self)
00724 {
00725     circuit * root = self->getNet()->getRoot ();
00726     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00727     {
00728         c->calcDC ();
00729     }
00730 }
00732 /* Goes through the list of circuit objects and runs its calcTR()
00733    function. */
00734 void trsolver::calcTR (trsolver * self)
00735 {
00736     circuit * root = self->getNet()->getRoot ();
00737     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00738     {
00739         c->calcTR (self->current);
00740     }
00741 }
00743 /* Goes through the list of non-linear circuit objects and runs its
00744    restartDC() function. */
00745 void trsolver::restart (void)
00746 {
00747     circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00748     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00749     {
00750         if (c->isNonLinear ()) c->restartDC ();
00751     }
00752 }
00754 /* Goes through the list of circuit objects and runs its initDC()
00755    function. */
00756 void trsolver::initDC (void)
00757 {
00758     circuit * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00759     for (circuit * c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00760     {
00761         c->initDC ();
00762     }
00763 }
00765 /* Goes through the list of circuit objects and runs its initTR()
00766    function. */
00767 void trsolver::initTR (void)
00768 {
00769     const char * const IMethod = getPropertyString ("IntegrationMethod");
00770     nr_double_t start = getPropertyDouble ("Start");
00771     nr_double_t stop = getPropertyDouble ("Stop");
00772     nr_double_t points = getPropertyDouble ("Points");
00774     // fetch corrector integration method and determine predicor method
00775     corrMaxOrder = getPropertyInteger ("Order");
00776     corrType = CMethod = correctorType (IMethod, corrMaxOrder);
00777     predType = PMethod = predictorType (CMethod, corrMaxOrder, predMaxOrder);
00778     corrOrder = corrMaxOrder;
00779     predOrder = predMaxOrder;
00781     // initialize step values
00782     delta = getPropertyDouble ("InitialStep");
00783     deltaMin = getPropertyDouble ("MinStep");
00784     deltaMax = getPropertyDouble ("MaxStep");
00785     if (deltaMax == 0.0)
00786         deltaMax = std::min ((stop - start) / (points - 1), stop / 200);
00787     if (deltaMin == 0.0)
00788         deltaMin = NR_TINY * 10 * deltaMax;
00789     if (delta == 0.0)
00790         delta = std::min (stop / 200, deltaMax) / 10;
00791     if (delta < deltaMin) delta = deltaMin;
00792     if (delta > deltaMax) delta = deltaMax;
00794     // initialize step history
00795     setStates (2);
00796     initStates ();
00797     // initialise the history of states, setting them all to 'delta'
00798     fillState (dState, delta);
00800     // copy the initialised states to the 'deltas' array
00801     saveState (dState, deltas);
00802     // copy the deltas to all the circuits
00803     setDelta ();
00804     // set the initial corrector and predictor coefficients
00805     calcCorrectorCoeff (corrType, corrOrder, corrCoeff, deltas);
00806     calcPredictorCoeff (predType, predOrder, predCoeff, deltas);
00808     // initialize history of solution vectors (solutions)
00809     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
00810     {
00811         // solution contains the last sets of node voltages and branch
00812         // currents at each of the last 8 'deltas'.
00813         // Note for convenience the definition:
00814         //   #define SOL(state) (solution[(int) getState (sState, (state))])
00815         // is provided and used elsewhere to update the solutions
00816         solution[i] = new tvector<nr_double_t>;
00817         setState (sState, (nr_double_t) i, i);
00818     }
00820     // tell circuits about the transient analysis
00821     circuit *c, * root = subnet->getRoot ();
00822     for (c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getNext ())
00823         initCircuitTR (c);
00824     // also initialize created circuits
00825     for (c = root; c != NULL; c = (circuit *) c->getPrev ())
00826         initCircuitTR (c);
00827 }
00829 // This function cleans up some memory used by the transient analysis.
00830 void trsolver::deinitTR (void)
00831 {
00832     // cleanup solutions
00833     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
00834     {
00835         delete solution[i];
00836         solution[i] = NULL;
00837     }
00838     // cleanup history
00839     if (tHistory)
00840     {
00841         delete tHistory;
00842         tHistory = NULL;
00843     }
00844 }
00846 // The function initialize a single circuit.
00847 void trsolver::initCircuitTR (circuit * c)
00848 {
00849     c->initTR ();
00850     c->initStates ();
00851     c->setCoefficients (corrCoeff);
00852     c->setOrder (corrOrder);
00853     setIntegrationMethod (c, corrType);
00854 }
00856 /* This function saves the results of a single solve() functionality
00857    (for the given timestamp) into the output dataset. */
00858 void trsolver::saveAllResults (nr_double_t time)
00859 {
00860     qucs::vector * t;
00861     // add current frequency to the dependency of the output dataset
00862     if ((t = data->findDependency ("time")) == NULL)
00863     {
00864       t = new qucs::vector ("time");
00865         data->addDependency (t);
00866     }
00867     if (runs == 1) t->add (time);
00868     saveResults ("Vt", "It", 0, t);
00869 }
00871 /* This function is meant to adapt the current time-step the transient
00872    analysis advanced.  For the computation of the new time-step the
00873    truncation error depending on the integration method is used. */
00874 nr_double_t trsolver::checkDelta (void)
00875 {
00876     nr_double_t LTEreltol = getPropertyDouble ("LTEreltol");
00877     nr_double_t LTEabstol = getPropertyDouble ("LTEabstol");
00878     nr_double_t LTEfactor = getPropertyDouble ("LTEfactor");
00879     nr_double_t dif, rel, tol, lte, q, n =  std::numeric_limits<nr_double_t>::max();
00880     int N = countNodes ();
00881     int M = countVoltageSources ();
00883     // cec = corrector error constant
00884     nr_double_t cec = getCorrectorError (corrType, corrOrder);
00885     // pec = predictor error constant
00886     nr_double_t pec = getPredictorError (predType, predOrder);
00888     // go through each solution
00889     for (int r = 0; r < N + M; r++)
00890     {
00892         // skip real voltage sources
00893         if (r >= N)
00894         {
00895             if (findVoltageSource(r - N)->isVSource ())
00896                 continue;
00897         }
00899         dif = x->get (r) - SOL(0)->get (r);
00900         if (std::isfinite (dif) && dif != 0)
00901         {
00902             // use Milne' estimate for the local truncation error
00903             rel = MAX (fabs (x->get (r)), fabs (SOL(0)->get (r)));
00904             tol = LTEreltol * rel + LTEabstol;
00905             lte = LTEfactor * (cec / (pec - cec)) * dif;
00906             q =  delta * exp (log (fabs (tol / lte)) / (corrOrder + 1));
00907             n = std::min (n, q);
00908         }
00909     }
00910 #if STEPDEBUG
00911     logprint (LOG_STATUS, "DEBUG: delta according to local truncation "
00912               "error h = %.3e\n", (double) n);
00913 #endif
00914     delta = std::min ((n > 1.9 * delta) ? 2 * delta : delta, n);
00915     return delta;
00916 }
00918 // The function updates the integration coefficients.
00919 void trsolver::updateCoefficients (nr_double_t delta)
00920 {
00921     setState (dState, delta);
00922     saveState (dState, deltas);
00923     calcCorrectorCoeff (corrType, corrOrder, corrCoeff, deltas);
00924     calcPredictorCoeff (predType, predOrder, predCoeff, deltas);
00925 }
00927 // properties
00928 PROP_REQ [] =
00929 {
00930     {
00931         "Type", PROP_STR, { PROP_NO_VAL, "lin" },
00932         PROP_RNG_STR2 ("lin", "log")
00933     },
00934     { "Start", PROP_REAL, { 0, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_POS_RANGE },
00935     { "Stop", PROP_REAL, { 1e-3, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_POS_RANGE },
00936     { "Points", PROP_INT, { 10, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_MIN_VAL (2) },
00937     PROP_NO_PROP
00938 };
00939 PROP_OPT [] =
00940 {
00941     {
00942         "IntegrationMethod", PROP_STR, { PROP_NO_VAL, "Trapezoidal" },
00943         PROP_RNG_STR4 ("Euler", "Trapezoidal", "Gear", "AdamsMoulton")
00944     },
00945     { "Order", PROP_INT, { 2, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNGII (1, 6) },
00946     { "InitialStep", PROP_REAL, { 1e-9, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_POS_RANGE },
00947     { "MinStep", PROP_REAL, { 1e-16, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_POS_RANGE },
00948     { "MaxStep", PROP_REAL, { 0, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_POS_RANGE },
00949     { "MaxIter", PROP_INT, { 150, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNGII (2, 10000) },
00950     { "abstol", PROP_REAL, { 1e-12, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNG_X01I },
00951     { "vntol", PROP_REAL, { 1e-6, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNG_X01I },
00952     { "reltol", PROP_REAL, { 1e-3, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNG_X01I },
00953     { "LTEabstol", PROP_REAL, { 1e-6, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNG_X01I },
00954     { "LTEreltol", PROP_REAL, { 1e-3, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNG_X01I },
00955     { "LTEfactor", PROP_REAL, { 1, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_RNGII (1, 16) },
00956     { "Temp", PROP_REAL, { 26.85, PROP_NO_STR }, PROP_MIN_VAL (K) },
00957     { "Solver", PROP_STR, { PROP_NO_VAL, "CroutLU" }, PROP_RNG_SOL },
00958     { "relaxTSR", PROP_STR, { PROP_NO_VAL, "no" }, PROP_RNG_YESNO },
00959     { "initialDC", PROP_STR, { PROP_NO_VAL, "yes" }, PROP_RNG_YESNO },
00960     PROP_NO_PROP
00961 };
00962 struct define_t trsolver::anadef =
00965 } // namespace qucs